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Qianhai Gole

MTK Platform

MTK Development Platform

MTK Development Platform

MT8735 is a tablet with highly integrated 64 bits which is used for mainstream tablet market. It possesses 4G LTE modem and full connectivity ( Bluetooth, FM, WLAN and GPS).

MT8735B/D is the newest version of MT8735, providing first-class multimedia performance, better processing and improved connectivity subsystem, reducing the cost of developing devices.

Platform Advantages

Integrated quad core A53 CPU

Support 6 network modes, including FDD-LTE, TDD-LTE, WCDMA/CDMA2000,TDS and GSM

Support 2.5/5GHz dual band WIFI, mainstream GPS system and Bluetooth 4.0

Lower power consumption up to 10%, increase performance to 20%

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